About Philippa HannaPhilippa Hanna is a British Singer-Songwriter, author and worship leader signed with Integrity Music. Listen on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTubePhilippa's StoryMusic & MerchTour Next EventsMake sure to connect with Philippa on social media to find out about upcoming online events.PHILIPPA HANNA - Live In ConcertBemidji Evangelical Free Church, MN (USA)Friday, Feb 21stTICKETSThe Storyteller Tour - (Supporting Jordan St, Cyr)Artesia, New Mexico, (USA)Thurs, March 6thTICKETSThe Storyteller Tour - (Supporting Jordan St, Cyr)Snyder, Texas (USA)Friday, March 7thTICKETSThe Storyteller Tour - (Supporting Jordan St, Cyr)Rockdale, Texas (USA)Saturday, March 8thTICKETSThe Storyteller Tour - (Supporting Jordan St, Cyr)Comanche, Texas (USA)Sunday, March 9thTICKETSSTAINED GLASS STORIES LIVE (Tour)Wakefield Cathedral, WakefieldFriday, March 14thTICKETSFlourish Ladies ConferenceSalthouse Pavilion, Barrow-In-FurnessSat, March 15thTICKETSSTAINED GLASS STORIES LIVE (tour)Renewal Christian Centre, SolihullSat, March 29th (ACOUSTIC SHOW)TICKETS INFO TBCCrown EventNetherlandsWed, April 30thTICKETSSTAINED GLASS STORIES (Tour)St. John's Church, Swindon, WiltshireSat, May 24th, (ACOUSTIC SHOW)TICKETSCece Winans 'More Than This' Tour (Support)Bethel Convention Center, West BromSunday, June 22ndTICKETSCece Winans 'More Than This' Tour (Support)Bethel Convention Center, West BromMonday, June 23rdTICKETSBIG CHURCH FESTIVALWiston Estate, West SussexMonday, June 23rdTICKETS